
News & Insights
Lebanon Hills

Clean energy is important. It’s good for the environment, the economy, and your electric bill.

photo courtesy of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Paul Austin

The growing momentum toward expanding clean energy and reducing carbon pollution may not be a surprise to the readers of Conservation Minnesota’s newsletter.


Over the last several months, Governor Walz and Lt. Governor Flanagan have made key appointments to state agencies that impact our lakes, lands, and way of life.

Canoe and Wild Rice - Photo from MPCA Ed Swain
photo courtesy of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Nels Paulsen

Yesterday, Conservation Minnesota testified in support of SF 2329, legislation to create and fund a “Wild Rice Stewardship Council.” 

John Anderson

As you are probably aware, there’s a lot of talk going around about energy policy in Minnesota these days. And for good reason!

Westmill Solar and Wind Farm
Paul Austin

Today, the Walz administration announced the One Minnesota Path to Clean Energy, a package of legislative policies that will put Minnesota’s entire electricity system on a path to 100% clean energy by 2050.

Microbeads on Penny
Avery Hildebrand

It goes without saying that plastic is one of only a few materials that has changed the course of human history.

John Anderson

Since we are currently in the grips of a Minnesota winter, with major snow storms and polar vortexes all around us, now might be a good time to distract ourselves by starting to think about spring.

Doc Helping
Nels Paulsen

There is nothing more important to a community than the health of its members, and HF 167 enables community members to get more information about their health outcomes related to permit violations and hazardous spills.

Nels Paulsen

Recently, Conservation Minnesota testified in support of HF 133 "No Child Left Inside," legislation to promote and fund outdoor recreation opportunities for Minnesota kids.