
Environment & Natural Resources Trust Fund Bill | HF3377 (House)

House voted Yes
| March 7, 2024
About this Legislation
Chief Author

HF 3377 is the funding bill for the Environment & Natural Resources Trust Fund projects. Funding is based on recommendations from the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) and supported by proceeds from the Minnesota State Lottery.

The Environment & Natural Resources Trust Fund Appropriations Bill works for the public purpose of protection, conservation, preservation, and enhancement of the state's air, water, land, fish, wildlife, and other natural resources. This year’s bill includes nearly $80 million in funding for environmental projects across the state.


The House and Senate approved the Environment and Natural Resource Trust Fund Bill HF3377. It now goes to the Governor to be signed. 

What a yes means

A “yes” vote passes the bill off the House floor with nearly $80 million in funding for projects across the state to protect, conserve, preserve, and enhance Minnesota’s air, water, land, wildlife, and other natural resources.

What a no would have meant

A “no” vote does not pass the bill off the House floor and withholds nearly $80 million in funding for projects across the state to protect, conserve, preserve, and enhance Minnesota’s air, water, land, wildlife, and other natural resources.

Vote Tallies

All Votes R. DFL Ind.
Yes = 94 25 69 0
No = 35 35 0 0
Abstain = 0 0 0 0
Absent = 4 3 1 0
Votes by Member Name