
Lottery Renewal | HF 1900 (House)

House voted Yes
| May 21, 2023
About this Legislation
Chief Author

HF 1900 (Hollins) is the Lottery Reauthorization Bill, putting an amendment on the ballot in 2024 to renew the constitutional dedication of lottery proceeds to the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRFT) and establish a new ENRTF Community Grant Program. 

HF1900 places an amendment on the ballot to extend the ENRTF’s lottery dedication until 2050, prevents the use of ENRTF funds for wastewater infrastructure, increases the annual withdrawal from the ENRTF from 5.5% to 7%, and appropriates the additional 1.5% of the ENRTF to a new Community Grant Program, which supports investments in underserved organizations and communities. This bill provides for the continued use of lottery revenues for the public purpose of protection, conservation, preservation, and enhancement of the state's air, water, land, fish, wildlife, and other natural resources.


HF 1900 passed the House and Senate, placing the ballot question on the 2024 ballot. The statutory portion of the bill was signed by Governor Walz.

What a yes means

A "yes" vote passes HF, approves the ballot question for the 2024 election, and Minnesotans are given the opportunity to renew the lottery dedication for the ENRTF.

What a no would have meant

A "no" vote does not pass HF 1900 and Minnesotans are not given the opportunity to renew the lottery dedication for the ENRTF.

Vote Tallies

All Votes R. DFL Ind.
Yes = 89 20 69 0
No = 41 41 0 0
Abstain = 0 0 0 0
Absent = 4 3 1 0
Votes by Member Name